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Investor relations

Ensure long-term success on the stock market, gain the trust of investors and secure support for our sustainable growth strategy.

Investor Relations of Swiss Steel Group

From communicating with our shareholders and potential investors to providing our financial information and the strategic direction of Swiss Steel Group, investor relations plays a crucial role.

Swiss Steel Group pursues a clear agenda in its investor relations efforts. It ensures that its financial reports, semi-annual and annual statements and presentations meet the highest standards of transparency and quality. Through regular conference calls and face-to-face meetings, the company offers investors the opportunity to gain insights into its financial performance and long-term growth prospects.

IR works closely with top management to ensure that the corporate message is consistent and meaningful. This helps to strengthen the company's image and market value and to reinforce investor confidence in the sustainability and future viability of the company.

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Current financial result

The Swiss Steel Group views investor relations not only as a duty, but also as an opportunity to gain the trust and support of the investor community.
Burkhard Wagner, Vice President Corporate Finance & Investor Relations


Interesting facts about our stock exchange listing

The ordinary share capital of Swiss Steel Holding AG amounts to CHF 492,788,608 and consists of 30,799,288 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 16.00 each. All registered shares are fully paid up and there are no additional payment obligations for shareholders. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting has the option of converting the existing registered shares into bearer shares at any time.

Each share grants voting rights, but this requires timely entry in the share register as a shareholder with voting rights. The registered shares are not securitized and are kept in the collective custody system of SIX SAG AG. Shareholders have no right to the printing and delivery of share certificates. However, every shareholder can obtain a certificate of share ownership from the company at any time.

Facts & Figures

Securities number135157772
Securities symbolSTLN
BloombergSTLN SE
Type of securityRegistered share
Trading currencyCHF
ListingSIX Swiss Exchange
Membership in indicesSPI, SPI Extra, SPI ex SLI, Swiss All Share Index
Number of shares30'799'288
Nominal value in CHF16,00

Shareholder structure

Useful notes on our ownership structure

Swiss Steel Holding AG, Lucerne, Switzerland, is the ultimate parent company of the Swiss Steel Group. The shares of Swiss Steel Holding AG are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich, Switzerland. The existing major shareholders can be viewed at SIX Swiss Exchange Link opens in a new tab..

The shareholder structure is based on information provided by shareholders and the status of the share register (as of November 25, 2024). Due to time differences and legal notification obligations, there may be discrepancies between the share register and the information provided by SIX Swiss Exchange.

Our main shareholders are:

  • GravelPoint Holding AG: 65.75 % Swiss-based company owned by the Swiss citizen Mr. Martin Haefner. 

  • PCS Holding AG/ Peter Spuhler: 10.11 % Swiss-based company owned by the Swiss citizen Mr. Peter Spuhler. 

  • Liwet Holding AG & ComplexProm Joint Stock Company: 12.85 %. Both companies have concluded a shareholders' agreement - SIX Link Link opens in a new tab..



*Additional information: We hereby confirm that Mr. Viktor Felixovich Vekselberg as a beneficiary of a discretionary trust owns less than 4% of Swiss Steel Holding AG based on: 

- the share register of Swiss Steel Holding AG, 

- the SIX Swiss Exchange and, 

- the information communicated by Liwet Holding AG and ComplexProm Joint Stock Company on the 02.05.2024.

Further we would like to clarify that:

- Mr. Vekselberg does not control Swiss Steel Holding AG by any means or instrument. 

- Mr. Vekselberg is not engaged in any operational decisions of Swiss Steel Holding AG.

Interim report


The financial report serves to transparently present all financial aspects of the Swiss Steel Group, from sales and costs to balance sheet data and profit figures.

To the reports

Our presentations are an effective way of conveying complex business information in an understandable and clear way.

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Key figures

Our KPIs are key metrics used in the Swiss Steel Group to track performance and progress. They are used to quantify and evaluate the success of business processes, projects or activities. They provide an objective measure of performance, enable data-driven decision making and help to set targets and monitor progress. Download an overview of our key figures here.

Key figures Link opens in a new tab.

5 annual overview Link opens in a new tab.

Financial Calendar


Trading Update Half-Year Report 2024

Media and investor conference call


Annual General Meeting 2024

Shareholders' meeting


Extraordinary General Meeting 2024

Shareholders' meeting


Trading Update-Annual report 2023

Media and investor conference call

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